Tuesday 28 February 2012

Contents Page (in progress)

Here i have added images to the contents page

Here is my Contents page with the text on the page. i jus need to add the top image to the contents page to finish it off.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

final layout for contents page

Here is the final layout of my contents page.

Contents Layout


The top box will be an image, the box underneath will have text in it. the box to the left will be an image, the box underneath that will be text, the box to the right of that will be an image and the box (second from the top) will be 'CONTENTS' written in bold/capitals.

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Here is my interview with 'Charlotte':

Would you have ever thought that you were going to be this big?
I never thought that i would ever be this big, i thought that i would just get a few hits and keep my profile low.

Do you enjoy all the fame and fortune?
In a way i do because it’s just so overwhelming with all of the fans going mad when i come on stage at a concert but in a way i don’t because i miss the little things in my old simple life like 
seeing my family each day and spending time with them but these days i’m always out either recroding, shooting for video’s or at concerts.

Are you enjoying touring the world?
I love it so much! it’s such a great experience visiting all of these different places and realising how many fans i have across the world! 

“Award Winning Singles”

Where do you see yourself in the near future? 
Well without sounding too big headed i would like to see myself being bigger than this with a few top hits in the charts and award winning singles. The world s waiting for me.

So you’ve dominated the UK but do you plan to break out in America?

I definately want to yes! but  not just yet! i’m still trying to cope with all the fame in the UK because it’s just so overwhelming! but maybe in a couple of months!

Are there any artists that you would like to work with in the future?
I would definately want to work with people such as BeyoncĂ©, Adele, One Direction,  David Guetta and many others i think it will be a great experience and pleasure to work with these amazing artists because they’re big artists and all their work is just so amazing.

Did you have any Inspirations throughout your career? Are there any certain people?
I definately have to admit that Adele was a huge Inspiration of mine but  Shirley Bassey has to be the biggest Inspiration of mine because of her amazing work throughout all of her career, and i just admired how amazing her voice was.

How old were you when you first started singing?
Well my first singing lesson was when i was 4 years old, i’ve always been interested in singing. of course most singers will say this but i was born a singer. 

“i was born a singer.”

‘Rumour has it’ that you will be collaborating with Adele?
(nice pun there) but yes! she contacted me after hearing my latest work and also after hearing that she was a huge inspiration of mine she wanted to work with me straight away. we are working on our latest single which hasn’t got a name yet

How Long have you been a professional singer?
Well  i was signed up for a contract a year ago so i’ve been working on everything in my career for just over a year now and hopefully this will be my big start and get me through many more years of this experience.

Are you hoping on finding yourself a dishy man with all this fame and fortune?
(laughs) ah well maybe this will be my shot! but maybe i will find my “night in shinging armor you never know?”

Our Final Question has been sent in from a fan:
What has been the most embarrassing thing that you have done on stage in front of an audience?
(laughs) this is the MOST embrrassing moment of my life but while i was in the middle of a dance routine building up to a massive jump my heel slipped and i landed flat on my bum and some how i managed to kick my bottle of water into a fans face it was the worst moment ever!

Here is my Double Page Spread - Not finished yet.

I have put quotes from the text into random spaces in between the text to make it look more professional and i think it looks really good.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The making of the double page spread

  • Here is the image that i am going to be using over my double page spread. i have chose to lay it ver the contents of 3/4's of 2 pages because i feel it looks good and will make it look more professional and less simple than just having the photo on one page.

Here is my double page spread image (in two half's) this is showing you what the double page spread is going to look like on two pages. i think it looks really good because its simple but looks good.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Front Cover final

Front Cover - work 17/1/12

Here is my Cover page with the cover lines, masthead and barcode.

i am happy with the work that i have done today, i feel that i have created a good piece of work with bold writing on. it looks professional because it doesn't look messy and the cover lines are placed in good places that don't cover the main parts of the image.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Images for My magazine


Here are my images that i took for this project they are displayed on flickr.

Final Magazine Front Cover - In the Making.

In this post i will be showing screen shots of me creating my cover page step by step.

Here is my main image for my cover page. i have used this image because i feel that it's a good image with bright colours.

This is my masthead - this is the title of my magazine. i chose this title because i thought it was catchy and it relates to music (record label) i chose to use two different colours for the title so the UK stands out because i want to make it clear that it's a UK magazine. i feel that the colours i have used go well with the main image because of her black and white jumper. i also highlighted the black text with a white outline, and the the white text with a black outline just so it stands out to the readers.